Medical and Surgical Abortion

Abortion treatment in Kothrud :

Making the decision to have an abortion can be challenging, and choosing which type of abortion procedure is best for your circumstances can add to the confusion.


Abortion can be done Medically and Surgically. Nowadays preferred mode of abortion is Medical Abortion.
Medical Abortion can be done up to 7 weeks.
Surgical Abortion can be done up to 12 weeks.

The risks of surgical abortion:

Surgical abortion is one of the safest operations carried out however, all surgery carries some risks. Although complications can occur in an estimated 3% of cases, major complications are rare. Below is a list of the risks associated with surgical abortion:
  • Incomplete abortion is the most common complication (up to 2%) and occurs when a small piece of the pregnancy or lining remains in the uterus. This may result in problematic bleeding or cramping and a repeat procedure may be required.
  • Ongoing pregnancy is uncommon (1 in 500) but is more likely in procedures performed under 6 weeks.
  • Infection is uncommon (less than 1%). You will usually be given or prescribed antibiotics with your procedure to reduce the risk.
  • Damage to the cervix is uncommon and rarely has longstanding effects.
  • Perforation of the uterus, where the surgical instruments make a hole in the wall, is potentially the most serious complication but fortunately is rare with an experienced surgeon.
  • Haemorrhage following a surgical abortion in the first trimester is rare.
Women who experience heavy bleeding, fever, or severe pain or discomfort following a surgical abortion must consult a doctor as soon as possible.

The risks of medical abortion:

Medical abortion is a safe and effective method of terminating a pregnancy up to 7 weeks gestation; however, like surgical abortion, a medical abortion carries some risks:
  • Incomplete abortion is the most common complication (2%) and occurs when the pregnancy is not completely expelled from the uterus, causing cramping or heavy bleeding. A surgical procedure may be required if the bleeding or cramping is not settling.
  • Ongoing pregnancy occurs in less than 1% of cases. A surgical abortion will usually be recommended.
  • Infection is uncommon (less than 1%).
  • Excessive bleeding severe enough to require a blood transfusion occurs in around 1 in 1,000 cases.